Thursday, May 15, 2008

Doi Pui Tribal Village

Long Neck People

Man with Chiken

Typical People

Traditional Fashion

DOI PUI TRIBAL VILLAGE is a hmong tribal village some 3 km on an asphalt road from Bhubing Palace.The Village presents the typical life style of Hmong as well as scenic view of Doi Inthanon,the highest peak of Thailand.The trip takes only an hour from ChiangMai town and the village is easily acsessible.

Doi Pui adalah perkampungan etnik di Chiangmai kehidupan yang bercirikan tradisional.Perkampungan ini hanya 3km dari Bhubing Palace dan hanya mengambil masa lebih kurang sejam dari Pekan ChiangMai.

1 comment:

Man said...

Chicken? Fried Chicken?
I Like It! :D