Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hoan Kiem Lake - Vietnam

Hoan Kiem Lake, is an enchanting body of water right in the heart of Hanoi, had been considered the most beautiful lake in the city. By the name Hoan Kiem (Sword Restored) is related to sword restored legend of Le Thai To King, as he was on boat cruise on the lake, saw a giant turtle coming towards him. The turtle took his sword that had secured the victory against the Minh aggressors, Hoan Kiem Lake attracts not only Vietnamese but also foreigners when arrive Hanoi.

Hoan Kiem Lake adalah tasik yang cantik terletak di tengah kota Hanoi.Hoan Kiem bermaksud "Senjata Tersimpan"ia adalah lagenda kepada Le Thai To King ketika dia sedang menaiki bot menyeberangi tasik dan ternampak seekor Kura-kura gergasi datang kepadanya.Kura-kura itu mengambil pedangnya dan mengawal tugu mengancam Minh, Tasik Hoan Kiem menarik penduduk vietnam datang dan juga pelancong dari luar.

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