Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bali Barat National Park - Bali

Located in western Bali the park consists of mud flats,mangroves,coastal forests,savannah and monsoon forest,which provide an excellent variety of habitats for bird species.The park is home to the last wild population of Bali starling,a greatly endangered species.The last of the starlings live in small groups of two or three in the acacia shrub on the north coast of Prapat Agung Cape.

The best Season to visit : August to December every year


Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan

Tanjung Puting is the largest and most diverse protected example of the extensive coastal tropical heath and peat swamp forest,which used to cover much of southern Borneo.The area was originally declared as a game reserve in 1935 and a National Park in 1982.The park is home to several endangered endemic species such as probocis monkey,red long-tailed monkey,sun bear,mouse deer and the most renowed of all orang utan.The first orang utan rehabilitation center in Indonesia was also built in the park.The center has now located in three locations know as Tanjung Harapan,Pokok Tanggui ang Camp Leakey.

The best Season to visit : June to September every year


Kakaban - Kalimantan

Nearby Kakaban Island is a fascinating dive spot.The island is a coral atoll that has been uplifted by geological forces,turning the lagoon into a land locked lake with a salt concentration about two thirds that of the ocean.The brackish lake in the central part of the island is a unique biological paradise which holds many species of marine life,most notably four species of the stingless jellyfish.To dive in these islands off Kalimantan's eastern coast,flights are available from Jakarta to Balikpapan.From there,a small plane takes you to Tanjung Berau where you will transported by speedboat to the dive location.


Banyan Tree SPA - Bintan Island

Banyan Tree SPA takes a holistic approach to physical and spritual well-being,providing a sanctuary for the senses.Massage treatments are bassaed on handed down techniques,combining East and west.Health and beuty remedies make use of aromatic oils,herbs and spices with ancient such as the Royal Banyan massages,Thai Healer,Balinese BOreh,Javanese Lulur,Hawaian Lomi-Lomi and many more......


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rose garden - Nakhon Pathom

Cultural Dance


Elephant Shows

Rose Garden Lake View

Rose Garden Resort


The immaculately kept lawns and flowers beds at the Rose Garden Country Resort,situated between Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom,draw in crowds of visitors everyday not only to appreciate the flowers but also to witnessone of the best cultural shows in the country.The show,which takes place each afternoon,includes Thai dancing,ancient sword fithing,a Thai ordination and Thai Boxing.There is also a model village where visitors can watch handicrafts being made.

no translation here sorry

Shadow Play - Trang Thailand

Shadow Play is popular art of shouthern Thailand.Dried animal hide is carved into drama figures like a hermit,a lord,a lead actor,a lead actress,a gaint,and a clown.The figures are held up behind a lighted screen to create shadows on it.Nai Nang or puppeteer will sing verses or narrate perfomance.He must have exceptional reflaxes and be able to narrate the whole story by himself.Musical intruments used are the same as for Nora with perhaps So U and So Duang(stringed instruments) added in.

No translation here sorry

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge - Nong Khai

Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge is a link over the Mekong River between Amphoe Mueang Nong Khai of Thailand and Tha Duea of the Lao People's Democratic Republic the town which is around 20km from the capital of Vientiane.Its was built with co-operation from three countries : Australia,Laos and Thailand.It is the bridge that strengthens the Thai-Laos relationship on cultural,economic and social aspects.Visitors in ganeral are required to cross the boder from Nong Khai to Vientiane via this channel.This bridge is 1,174m long and 12.7m wide,with two driving lanes andd the middle space spare for the establishment of a train track.At a foot of the bridge,there is an immigration checkpoint.

No translation here sorry

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Doi Pui Tribal Village

Long Neck People

Man with Chiken

Typical People

Traditional Fashion

DOI PUI TRIBAL VILLAGE is a hmong tribal village some 3 km on an asphalt road from Bhubing Palace.The Village presents the typical life style of Hmong as well as scenic view of Doi Inthanon,the highest peak of Thailand.The trip takes only an hour from ChiangMai town and the village is easily acsessible.

Doi Pui adalah perkampungan etnik di Chiangmai kehidupan yang bercirikan tradisional.Perkampungan ini hanya 3km dari Bhubing Palace dan hanya mengambil masa lebih kurang sejam dari Pekan ChiangMai.

Festival in Thailand

SONGKRAN FESTIVAL is held annually from 13 to 15 April.The 13th of April is the Great Songkran Day featuring the revered Phra Phutthasihing Buddha image parade around ChiangMai town for bathing,sand pagoda forming,blessing of elders and water splashing.

FLOWER FESTIVAL is held in February.The festival includes decorated flower garden contest,floral floats parade in the morning and beauty pageants.The parade begins at Chiangmai Railway Station and passes Nawarat Bridge and ends at Nong Buak Hat Park.

YI PENG FESTIVAL is held annually on LOi Krathong Day.It is a very interestingevent of Chiang Mai.The festival features the release of lanterns into the sky to worship the gods.There also fireworks,lantern contests and beauty pageants.

BO SANG UMBRELLA FESTIVAL is held in January at Bo sang Handicraft Centre.The festival features paper products,paper parasols in particulars,cultural shows,a parade showing traditional ways of life and several contents.

No translation here

Erawan Waterfall - Kanchanaburi

Thailand has over 100 national parks,and the most visited of them all is Erawan,65km or an hour and a half drive northwest of Kanchanaburi.Flocks of visitors come to see the seven-tiered waterfall that gives the 550 squre-kilometers park its name.The top lavel of the falls is thought to resemble a three-headed elephant called Erawan in Thai that is ridden by INdra in Hindu mythology.With milky turquoise waters tumbling over various cascades,the falls are wonderfully photogenic and thought by many to be Thailand's most beautiful.Several of the pools below the falls are ideal for bathing especially level two and they are much less crowded on weekdays.

Thailand ada lebih dari 100 national parks salah satunya adalah Erawan lebih kurang 65 km dari Kanchanaburi mengambil masa lebih kurang setengah jam memandu.Ramai pengunjung datang ke sini untuk melihat 7 tangga air tejun meliputi seluas 550sq km.Tingkat paling atas sekali ada tiga kepala Gajah yang di panggil Erawan dalam bahasa Thai pada masa lampau oleh Indra Hindu metologi.Air terjun ini adalah yang tercantik dan photogenik.Pada tingkat yang kedua ia adalah tempat yang sesuai untuk mandi dan paling ramai pada hari minggu.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Mt.Kinabalu the majestic summit of Borneo is the focal point of the Park and the whole of Sabah.Such is the importance of this mountain that the state capital Jesselton was renamed Kota Kinabalu in 1964.The highest mountain between Himalayas and the Snow Mountains of Papua Barat this magnificent granite massif stands at 4,095.2 meter.

The others place you must visit:
Agro T Nursery - Nursery gardens of flowers,Tomatoes and other vegetables at kundasang
Mount Kinabalu Golf Course - This 18 hole course at 1500m above sea level
Kampung Kokob Baru - See Rafflesia Blooming and its near Ranau and Poring Hot spring
Sabah Tea Plantations - Located 800m from Kg Nalapak producing regular and organic tea.
Kundasang - Every Friday the weekly Tamu market day

Mt.Kinabalu adalah Raja bagi kawasan Borneo ia adalah taman tempatan bagi Sabah.Yang paling penting pada tahun 1964 ia telah di tukar nama menjadi Kota Kinabalu oleh Ketua Bandar Jesselton.Ia adalah gunung paling tinggi diantara Himalaya dan Gunung Snow di Papua Barat dengan ketinggian 4,095.2 meter.

Tempat-tempat menarik yang perlu di lawati:
Agro T Nursery - Taman bunga.tomato dan lain-lain sayuran dekat Kundasang
Mount Kinabalu Golf Course - 18 holes di bawah paras laut 1500 meter
Kampung Kokob Baru - berdekatan dengan Ranau dan juga Poring Hot Spring untuk melihat Bunga Rafflesia
Sabah Tea Plantations - terletak 800m dari Kg Nalapak membuat tea biasa dan juga organik
Kundasang - Setiap Jumaat Pasar mingguan Tamu


The name Borneo has long meant magic to travellers and if you skip Sarawak you'll miss something speacial.The state has a superb system of national parks,beutiful beaches and a diverse thriving tribal culture whose hospitality to strangers is un matched.Sittuated on the north-western coast of Borneo,the Land of Hornbills beckons the visitor with its rich rainforests,intricate weave of rivers,pepper plantations and diverse cultures of its indigenous people.

Nama Borneo menjadi suatu ingatan magik untuk para pelancong dan jika anda tidak datang ke Sarawak ia seperti merasa kehilangan sesuatu.Negeri Sarawak mempunyai satu pemandangan dan sisitem iaitu National Parks,Pulau yang menarik dan cantik juga mempunyai pelbagai adat dan seni yang berlainan.Terletak diantara Utara dan Barat Daya Borneo dan pelawat boleh melihat hutan hujan,sungai,Ladang Lada dan pelbagai adat dan seni dari kaum disini


The city of Malacca is divided into the new and old sections.The older part of the city is fairly compact and has many historical and cultural attactions tucked into the nooks and crannies of its narrow streets.Much of the remnants of Malacca's glorius past lie within the Town Squre and Water front area near the river.Just above The Time Squre is St.Paul's Hill which is the site of the original Portuguese fort of A'Famosa and St.Paul's Church.

The new section of Malacca lies accross the Melaka river and is mostly built on land reclaimed from the sea.Its consistant of modern shoping centers like The Mahkota Parade and is abustling food and entertaiment district.

Negeri Melaka terbahagi pada dua bahagian kawasan yang baru dan lama.Kawasan yang lama pekan yang mempunyai banyak tinggalan sejarah dan kesenian.Kebanyakan bangunan lama yang masih ada di antara Town Squre dan Water Front area berdekatan dengan sungai iaitu St.Paul's yang bersebelahan dengan peninggalan Portugis Tugu A'Famosa dan gereja St.Paul's

Di Melaka kawasan baru adalah menyeberangi Sungai Melaka dan ia di buat dengan meninbus laut ia selari dengan tempat membeli belah yang moden seperti The Mahkota Parade dan juga di sepanjang jalan terdapat tempat makan yang menarik juga hiburan.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The National Museum - Cambodia

Cambodia's National Museum offers a charming setting for a stunning collection of ancient Khmer art. Predominantly constructed of sandstone, the sculptures date from both the Angkorean and pre-Angkorean eras. These exhibits are complemented by more recent examples of Cambodian art. The museum is housed in a terra-cotta-roofed structure of traditional Cambodian design, which was built between 1917 and 1920. Apart from artistic treasures, the building is also home to a large colony of Cambodian freetail bats. The colony has lived in the building's rafters for years and is believed to be the largest group of bats living in a man-made structure anywhere in the world. But visitors need not worry about becoming a guano target, as the Australian government reinforced the ceiling of the museum in 1997. The only time you are likely to see the bats is when they fly from the roof en masse at dusk each evening.

harap maaf sy akan translate kemudian

One Pillar Pagoda - Hanoi

Hanoi's famous One Pillar Pagoda (Chua Mot Cot) was built in 1049 by the Emperor Ly Thai Tong, who ruled from 1028 to 1054. It was built of wood on a single stone pillar 1.25 m in diameter, is designed to resemble a lotus blossom, symbol of purity, rising out of a sea of sorrow. It was rebuilt in 1955. This small pagoda, which surrounds a garden courtyard, is one of the most delightful in Hanoi. The old wood and ceramic status on the altar are very different from common in the south. An elderly monk can often be seen performing acupuncture on the front porch of the pagoda.

Terdapat satu tempat yang paling terkenal di Hanoi iaitu "One Pillar Pagoda" ia di bina pada tahun 1049 oleh Empire Ly Thai Tong,yang memerintah dari tahun 1028 hingga 1054.Ia di bina menggunakan kayu dan sebatang tiang pillar 1.25 diameter dan rekaan nya berbentuk bunga teratai.Ia di bina semula pada tahun 1955.Ia adalah Pagoda kecil yang di kelilingi taman dan ia merupakan taman yang terkenal di Hanoi.Kayu lama dan ceramik adalah berlainan dari selatan.Dan ada sami menjalankan akupuntur di hadapan halaman Pagoda

Hoan Kiem Lake - Vietnam

Hoan Kiem Lake, is an enchanting body of water right in the heart of Hanoi, had been considered the most beautiful lake in the city. By the name Hoan Kiem (Sword Restored) is related to sword restored legend of Le Thai To King, as he was on boat cruise on the lake, saw a giant turtle coming towards him. The turtle took his sword that had secured the victory against the Minh aggressors, Hoan Kiem Lake attracts not only Vietnamese but also foreigners when arrive Hanoi.

Hoan Kiem Lake adalah tasik yang cantik terletak di tengah kota Hanoi.Hoan Kiem bermaksud "Senjata Tersimpan"ia adalah lagenda kepada Le Thai To King ketika dia sedang menaiki bot menyeberangi tasik dan ternampak seekor Kura-kura gergasi datang kepadanya.Kura-kura itu mengambil pedangnya dan mengawal tugu mengancam Minh, Tasik Hoan Kiem menarik penduduk vietnam datang dan juga pelancong dari luar.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Borobudur - Yogyakarta

Believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words "Vihara Buddha Uhr", (Buddhist Monastery on the Hill). The Borobudur Temple was built in the eighth century by the Cailendra dynasty and is located at Magelang 90-km southeast of Semarang or 42 km Northwest of Yogyakarta. One of the world's most famous temples, it stand majestically on a hill overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of grey andesite stone. It rises in seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculpted in bas-relief, a total length of six kilometres.

harap maaf esok sy akan translate

City Of Bangkok

Encapsulating Thailand’s quintessential blend of old and new is Bangkok, located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River. The nation’s capital since 1782, it is both a gateway and principal destination for most travellers. Amazingly, in the midst of this dynamic modern world, Bangkok miraculously manages to preserve its cultural heritage to a marked degree. In the soaring roofs and gleaming spires of the Grand Palace and the city’s many historic temples - Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Temple of Dawn and other evocative shrines - the visitor is presented with a picture of classical Oriental wonder. In addition, contained within Bangkok’s monuments and sights are treasures of the nation’s artistic and cultural endeavour that typify the land and the people.

harap maaf esok akan saya translate kan

Phang Nga Beach (James Bond 007)

Phang Nga, a land of tin mines and beautiful scenery, nestles among soaring mountains which rise up around the town. Phang Nga is located 788 kilometers from Bangkok and covers an area of 4,170 square kilometers most of which is mangrove and evergreen forest. The area is bordered to the west by the Andaman Sea and consists of plenty of spectacular islands.

Phang Nga adalah sebuah pulau yang mempunyai pemandangan yang cukup indah dengan bukit yang mengelilingi bandar.Phang Nga terletak 788km dari Bangkok dan melitupi kawasan 4,170km persegi kawasan hutan.Ia adalah kawasan sempadan barat Pulau Andaman dan konsistan dengan pulau di sekitarnya...

Koh Phi Phi

Phi Phi is other minor beaches, offers beachside bungalows and chalet accommodations. The area immediately adjacent to a Muslim fishing village contains bars offering living music; restaurants specialising in popular European cuisines and Thai food; cabarets; souvenir shops; dive shops and charter boat operations offering game fishing excursions and day trips, including several opportunities for snorkelling, around the major islands, including Ko Pai (Bamboo island), half an hour from Phi Phi Don and touted by locals as one of the most beautiful and unspoiled, uninhabited islands in the area.

Phi Phi adalah sebuah pulau jernih airnya. terdapat banyak bunglo dan juga chalet untuk di sewa dan ia juga perkampungan nelayan islam.Disini juga terdapat berbagai-bagai makanan,kedai cenderahati,kedai peralatan selam,dan juga sewa bot untuk ke Pulau Buluh atau Koh Pai yang mengambil masa lebih kurang setengah jam dari Pulau Phi Phi untuk melihat keindahan pulau yang belum di terokai dan habitat yang tinggal di situ.

Cha Am Beach - Prachuap Khiri Khan

Cha Am beach resort is located approximately 160 kilometers south of Bangkok. Hat Cha-am are beautiful beach, twinned with Hua Hin of Phrachuap Khiri Khan, is located 40 kms. south of the town or 20 kms. north of Hua Hin, and another 20 kms. along an access road.

Cha-am was originally a small fishing village. After a royal palace was built near Hua Hin in the reign of King Rama VI, the land was occupied by the royal family and the elite. Today, it is very popular among Thais who love superb seafood and comfortable hotel or bungalow accommodation.

Cha Am Resort terletak kira-kira 160 kilometer selatan Bangkok. Pantai Cha-Am adalah pantai yang cantik terletak di antara Hua Hin ,Prachuap Khiri Khan 40km ke selatan bandar dan 20km ke utara Hua Hin dan 20 km lagi dari jalan utama

Cha-Am adalah sebuah perkampungan nelayan. Selepas istana di bina berdekatan Hua Hin di kawasan King Rama VI, tanah di kawasan ini adalah milik kerabat di raja yang kaya.Hari ini ia merupakan tempat yang paling terkenal di kalangan rakyat Thai yang sukakan makanan laut dan juga ada hotel atau banglo untuk penginapan.

Golden Triangle - Chiangrai

From Chiang Mai it is just three hours by car to the capital of Thailand’s northernmost province, Chiang Rai. Northeast of Chiang Rai is Chiang Saen, on the banks of the Mekong river. The site of an ancient and once powerful settlement, it is full of historic interest as well as being the nearest town to the famous “Golden Triangle” , where the confluence of the Mekong and Ruak rivers forms the border between Thailand , Myanmar and Laos - a famous and spellbinding spot.

Dari Chiagmai ia mengambil masa selama tiga jam dengan menaiki kereta untuk sampai ke Chiangrai.Chiangrai adalah Chiang Sean bersebelahan dengan Sungai Mekong.Kawasan itu penuh dengan sejarah yang tersendiri dan ia juga berdekatan dengan Golden Triangle yang begitu popular di Chiangrai ia di antara Sungai Mekong dan Sungai Ruak dan juga sempadan di antara Thailand,Mynmar dan Laos.

Bosang Umbrella Village - Chiangmai

Borsang is little more than a cluster of shop-houses along the area where Doi Saket road meets San Kamphaeng road. It enjoys a steady stream of tourists daily as they come to witness the making of these fine items and other Thai handicrafts and to stock up on traditional souvenirs from northern Thailand.

Thai handicrafts make excellent gifts; they are beautifully made, cheap and unique. Choose from brightly dressed hill tribe dolls, ceramics, soaps and candles, ornaments, carvings, textiles, jewellery, lacquerware, rattan baskets and bags, toys and much more.

Borsang adalah sebuah rumah kedai yang kecil di sepanjang kawasan Doi Saket dan San Kampheng. Pelancong merasa gembira boleh datang melihat sendiri Thai kraftangan yang di ukir halus dan cantik sekali corak-corak yang di lukis ia adalah cenderahati tradisi dari selatan Thailand

Krafttangan Thai adalah cenderahati yang terbaik kerana ia dibuat dgn cantik murah dan unik.Boleh memilih patung yang berwarna ceria, ceramik,sabun dan lilinukiran,pakaian,barang hiasan,bakul rotan dan beg juga permainan dan banyak lagi pilihan yang menanti.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

River Kwai

The story of the famous bridge over the River Kwai built by prisoners of war during WW2 has been immortalised in books and films. While the original bridge was replaced by a new structure, the railway which cuts through stunning scenery to Burma and cost thousands of allied POW and Asian coolies their lives, still remains. The tour visits the River Kwai museum and includes a journey by train on the famous "Death Railway" and a boat trip to visit a nearby Mon village - one of Kanchanaburi's ethnic minorities. Kanachanburi is also a province of startling natural beauty with a rugged landscape of waterfalls, caves, leafy forests and awe-inspiring limestone cliffs.

River Kwai di bina oleh para banduan perang yang mana telah di buku dan di film kan tetapi jambatan yang asal telah di ganti dengan landasan keretapi merentasi pemandangan Burma dan melibat kan berbillion POW dan kuli orang asia masih ada.Kita dapat melawat River Kwai Muzium dan termasuk perjalanan menaiki keretapi di landasan "Death Railways" dan juga menaiki bot ke perkampungan MOn iaitu salah satu kawasan perkampungan etnik. Kanchanaburi mempunyai alam semula jadi yang menarik dengan pemandangan air terjum,gua,hutan hijau dan juga pemandang tebing batu kapur yang mengasyikan....