Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Year's Eve at Kinabalu Park

What better way to kick start the new year than challenging yourself to scale a mountain?While Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malaysia it's not a difficult climb.Its immense granite peak affords a spectacular view sunrise over the summit,where clouds roll in along the mountainous spine that stretches towards the horizon.A two day climb you can spend New Year's Eve at Kinabalu Park,which is a biologically diverse UNESCO World Heritage Site,before ascending to the summit at dawn the next day.Nothing can be more inspiring than greeting the first day of the 2009 with an overwhelming sense of achievement!

no translation

1 comment:

iza~de~bintang said...

Sal baru balik dari panjat gunung ek? Wah syoknya. Iza pun dah lama teringin nak panjat kinabalu. tak tau lah bila tercapai. Cuma sekali pernah sampai KK, itu pun zaman muda-muda dulu buat program baltisiswa :D