Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hatyai Town

Hatyai may be the one of the least interesting cities in Thailand.It's a relatively modern invention resulting from the construction of the railway linking Thailand to Malaysia and Singapore in the 19 century .Hatyai is where the two lines running up either coast of Malaysia meet to from the single line up to Bangkok.It remained not much more than a rail yard until the 1960s when its proximity to the Malaysia boder made it an important trading town.
Given its lack of any historical or cultrul sights its somewhat surprising to find that Hatyai boasts a lare number of hotels and hosts hoards of visitors eachyear.Many of these visitors come from Malaysia.Each weekend the town fills up with weekenders who spend much of their time in the city's many markets and restaurants.Despite the lack of any significant sights of its own Hatyai"s central location plentiful hotel rooms and wealth of transortation options make it a resonable base from which to explore the deep south.The town does have a certain buzz especially at night when all the tourist are out shoppping.

This is the popular transportation in Hatyai called tuk-tuk.If you want to go somewhere round the Hatyai town just take the tuk-tuk only bhat 20 per person (RM 2)

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